“Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”
If there was a saying that completely encompasses what I am like, this would be the one. Since I was a child, I was never satisfied with knowing “only” one thing – if I was good at maths, I had to excel at Serbian, if I was in a chemistry competition, I had to fare even better in my foreign language competion. Some of my interest disappeared eventually, but a lot of that curious nature and interests remained. At some point, it took the shape of my major – English Language and Literature, at others it just meant I liked to dabble in everything, be a jack of all trades.
I have written and published, worked as a content writer – for various companies and fields. Then I worked as a teacher, got tired of it – switched to QA, and finally settled for something that entails all the things I liked about my other career choice – I am now a Client Manager.
When I am not client-managing, I am mismanaging my free time by playing RPG games for hours on end, reading tons of epic fantasy novels. I also enjoy practising my smothering love on puppies and kittens, mine and others’, feeding my weird sense of humor by obscure medieval memes, and watching, re-watching and re-re-watching my favorite movies and TV shows.